下书网 - 言情小说 - Rain Addict在线阅读 - 1:Is her ideal still alive

1:Is her ideal still alive

    Sukie sat hunched over her desk, her eyes strained from staring at the computer screen for hours on end. The office was dimly lit, with only the flickering fluorescent lights above and the soft glow of computer monitors providing illumination. It was well past office hours, and most of her colleagues had already gone home. The city outside was alive with the hum of traffic and the distant sounds of nightlife, but Sukie was trapped in the monotonous grind of her job.

    She sighed deeply, rubbing her temples in an attempt to alleviate the throbbing headache that had been building all day. Her phone buzzed on the desk, and she glanced at the screen to see a message from her best friend, Jack.

    *Jack*: "Still at the office? Need a drink?"

    Sukie couldn,t help but smile. Jack always knew when she needed a break. She quickly typed back a response.

    *Sukie*: "You know me too well. Meet you at our usual spot in 30?"

    *Jack*: "See you there."

    Sukie powered down her computer and gathered her things. As she stepped out of the office building, she was greeted by the cool night air, a welcome contrast to the stuffy office environment. The streets were bustling with people, and the city lights cast a warm, inviting glow on the surroundings. She made her way to the bar where she and Jack often met to unwind.

    Jack was already there when she arrived, sitting at a small table near the back. He waved her over, a wide grin on his face. Jack was the kind of friend who could always make her laugh, no matter how tough her day had been. His easygoing nature and sharp wit were a perfect foil to her more reserved and introspective personality.

    "Hey, you made it," he said as she slid into the seat opposite him. "Rough day?"

    "Rough week," Sukie replied with a weary smile. "But at least it,s over. Thanks for suggesting this. I needed it."

    Jack raised his glass in a toast. "To surviving another week."

    "To surviving," Sukie echoed, clinking her glass against his.

    As they chatted and laughed, Sukie felt the stress of the day begin to melt away. Jack,s presence was like a balm to her frazzled nerves. They talked about everything and nothing, from work dramas to their favorite TV shows. For a few hours, Sukie could forget about the pressures of her job and just enjoy the moment.

    It was late by the time they left the bar. The streets had quieted down, and the city seemed to be settling into a peaceful slumber. Jack walked her to her apartment, as he always did, making sure she got home safely.

    "Thanks for tonight, Jack," Sukie said as they reached her building. "I really needed this."

    "Anytime, Sukie. You know I,m always here for you," Jack replied, giving her a warm hug. "Get some rest, okay?"

    "I will. Goodnight, Jack."

    "Goodnight, Sukie."

    Sukie watched as Jack walked away, feeling a pang of gratitude for his friendship. She headed inside and made her way up to her apartment. It was a small, modest place, but it was her sanctuary. She kicked off her shoes and collapsed onto the couch, too tired to even think about going to bed.

    As she lay there, staring at the ceiling, her mind drifted back to the conversation she had with Jack. He had a way of making her see things differently, of reminding her that there was more to life than just work. She resolved to take his advice and start making more time for herself.

    Little did she know, her life was about to change in ways she could never have imagined.

    The next morning, Sukie woke up to the sound of her alarm blaring. She groaned and rolled over, reluctantly dragging herself out of bed. The weekend had arrived, but instead of feeling relieved, she felt an inexplicable sense of foreboding. She shook off the feeling and went about her morning routine, hoping a hot shower and a cup of coffee would help clear her head.

    After breakfast, she decided to take a walk to clear her mind. The city was already bustling with activity, but Sukie found solace in the familiar streets and the rhythm of her footsteps. As she wandered aimlessly, she found herself drawn to a small, old-fashioned bookstore tucked away in a quiet alley.

    Curious, she stepped inside. The smell of old books and the soft rustle of pages greeted her, creating a sense of calm. She wandered through the aisles, running her fingers along the spines of the books. One book, in particular, caught her eye. It was an ancient-looking tome with a worn leather cover and intricate gold lettering.

    Sukie pulled the book from the shelf and opened it, her eyes widening as she saw the beautiful, hand-drawn illustrations inside. The book seemed to be a collection of stories and legends from a long-forgotten era. As she flipped through the pages, she felt a strange sense of connection to the stories, as if they were calling out to her.

    Lost in the book, she didn,t notice the time passing until a voice startled her.

    "Interesting choice," a deep, smooth voice said from behind her.

    Sukie turned to see a tall, handsome man standing there, his dark eyes twinkling with amusement. He was impeccably dressed, and there was an air of mystery about him that intrigued her.

    "Sorry, I didn,t mean to startle you," he said with a charming smile. "I,m Han Fengling. I couldn,t help but notice you seem quite engrossed in that book."

    "I,m Sukie," she replied, blushing slightly. "It,s a fascinating book. Do you work here?"

    Han Fengling shook his head. "No, just a fellow book lover. But I,ve read that one before. It,s full of intriguing stories. Perhaps I could share some of my favorites with you over coffee?"

    Sukie hesitated for a moment, but there was something about Han Fengling that drew her in. He seemed genuine, and his offer was tempting. "Sure, why not?"

    They left the bookstore and found a cozy café nearby. Over steaming cups of coffee, Han Fengling regaled Sukie with tales from the book, his voice smooth and captivating. Sukie found herself hanging on his every word, completely engrossed in the stories.

    As they talked, Sukie felt an inexplicable connection to Han Fengling. It was as if they had known each other for much longer than just a few hours. He had a way of making her feel at ease, and his presence was comforting.

    The hours flew by, and before they knew it, the sun was setting. Sukie realized she had spent the entire day with Han Fengling, lost in conversation and stories. It was the most enjoyable day she had had in a long time.

    "Thank you for today, Han Fengling," Sukie said as they stood outside the café. "I had a wonderful time."

    "The pleasure was mine, Sukie," he replied with a warm smile. "I hope we can do this again sometime."

    "I,d like that," Sukie said, feeling a warmth in her chest that she hadn,t felt in a long time.

    As they parted ways, Sukie couldn,t help but feel a sense of anticipation. There was something about Han Fengling that was different, something that made her believe her life was about to take a new and exciting turn.

    That night, Sukie lay in bed, her mind racing with thoughts of Han Fengling and the stories he had shared. She felt a strange pull towards him, a sense of destiny that she couldn,t quite explain. Little did she know, this was just the beginning of an extraordinary journey that would change her life forever.